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Num Nom Nom...
But just as easily as it can please the tastebuds, light up the brain, and make your heart oh so happy! can also stab you in the back. It can make you wanna dance orrrrr it can make it too hard to dance...
Don't get me wrong...I LOVE FOOD. But...I also love my body and want to take care of it as best I can! And I'm pretty sure everyone struggles with these two concepts right??
Sooooo, the question is...,
"How do I eat nummy stuff whlie also maintaining a six pack?!?!!
Darling, I am so very glad you asked.
Because I am here to figure out just that!
Yes, I am on the hunt to find nummy & healthy foods & also explore just why they are so darn good for ya!
Go ahead. Nom Nom away!
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