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Meet Bae

Meet Bae. You’re probably thinking something very judgmental right now because you know I am referring to either a dog or the ice cream. I do love this pup, but it is true...I am referencing the ice cream. Seriously. How can one not love ice-cream? Like do I really need to even write about anything else? Ice cream makes me happy and every bite or lick makes everything ok. Whether it's chocolate, vanilla, or mint Oreo...

Ice cream is Ice cream.

(I want to give the person who invented ice cream a hug.)

But sadly, ice cream isn't perfect. It can be very deceiving. Actually, it is very deceiving. Darn it ice cream. What the heck. When I think of it...

Ice cream is a lot like guys.

(no offense dudes...I really do think you guys are awesome...especially if you're taking the time to read my blog;)

At first sight, they both seem perfect but unfortunately, it's a different story. Ice-cream leaves you with mixed feelings (happiness and guilt sometimes) as it tastes amazing, but if you eat too much of it you suffer the consequences! (Which can include thigh jiggle, a nice actually not so nice muffin top, and maybe even a double or triple chin.) Guys can also leave you with mixed feelings. Not that guys make anybody fat, but if you don't have them in your life the right way, you may gain something unwanted... They can be sweet and romantic for the moment but sometimes only leave you with that awful feeling that eating too much ice cream leaves you with. Oh what the heck do I know? I'm sitting here telling you the love of my life is ice-cream. Ok, enough ranting! (And sorry for my overuse of the word, "heck.")

Ice cream does have some nutritional benefits. For example, I am going to look at the tub of ice cream I have in my freezer right now. Of course this information varies per ice-cream brand and flavor but let's assess the tub I have. It is chocolate from Haagen-Dazs. Besides the fact that it has an embarrassing amount of fat per 1/2 cup, it also has 10% of your daily needed Vitamin A and Calcium, as well as 8% of your needed iron per day. It provides 5 grams of protein and 22 grams of carbs, which can be very helpful you are active. And what’s great about Haagen-Dazs is that is has pure and simple ingredients! Cream, skim milk, sugar, cocoa pressed with alkali and egg yolks...that's it! But that doesn't give anyone an excuse to eat it everyday.

The point is,

Ice cream is a beautiful part of life.

And ice cream can be very much enjoyed if it is balanced into your life. (See what I did there? Are you beginning to get the Beautiful Balance memo yet?) All right, and just like ice cream, guys/your Bae have to be balanced...but let’s get into that another time.

So what do I suggest we do about balancing this irristable treat into our lives?

I try not to dwell on ice cream too much even though I crave it quite often. But what I find what works for me is to save it for one day of the week. When I do watch my nutrition, I like to call this day a free day and don't worry about a single thing I eat. It is usually on a weekend but if I have a special occasion on a weekday, I try to save it for then. It just depends on how strict you want to be. But I've found when I don't allow myself to resort to something like ice cream when I crave something sweet; it allows me to get more creative. I explore healthier options that are just as satisfying and on top of that make me feel good inside and out!

Wouldn't it be nice to have a Bae like that? *Sigh

By the way, Pinterest is an awesome resource to find healthier options! (My success stories coming soon!)

Ice cream can be even better enjoyed if you work out the day you have it. Balance, again is key! Not that every time you work out you should reward yourself, but if you are physically active and burn a lot of energy, your body will be less harmfully affected if you help yourself to a little treat once in a while.

It is also good to keep in mind that sugar should be a very small part of one's overall diet. But you know that :) ...the question is how much exactly? For woman, 100 calories of sugar in one day should be the maximum amount consumed and for men it’s recommended that they consume no more than 150 calories of sugar a day. Sugar is in a lot of things and can add up during the day! So just be mindful of it. (And I don't like getting too caught up in the numbers.)

But don't stress about it! Sugar can be good for you! (The key again, is balance and not overdoing it.) When sugar is consumed, it is linked to the release of Serotonin and Dopamine! (AKA your feel-good hormones.) And that sometimes is worth any calorie.

All in all, the key is to not fuss about controlling your ice-cream intake but be smart about the times you do decide to enjoy it. And when you eat icecream, eat it with confidence enjoying every bite and don't have any doubt or guilt!

So, go ahead & enjoy a cup of ice cream.

It's ok. Make it apart of your beautiful balance. I just had some of that chocolate ice cream I was telling you about : )P'

*Please tell me about your favorite ice cream treat!


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