So much on my plate right now. & I’m not just talking about the big plop of brown rice, scoop of green beans, & really spicy chili that my stepmom made for dinner.I’m thinking about a plate full of homework & assignments I’ve been procrastinating on for a week…at least…much like how I am hesitating to take another bite of chili because I know I will have to chug a whole gallon of water down or something the moment it tries to marry my tongue.
There’s also the fact that I have shin splints that keep pestering me and my Cross Country coach expects me to be in the top five fastest girls on the team in a month. I better eat all of this brown rice for tomorrow’s sake.
Let’s not forget that because I’m a senior I have till the end of this month to apply for all the colleges I can…this means I need to start on a slew of essays, then perfect them, then find recommendation letters that I should have found long ago, & also take the SAT. Yuck. Tests. Big tests…and I’ve only got one shot at this one if I want to apply for a top notch school.
No pressure right?
I’m also supposed to find something to add to my application like volunteering at Red Cross while I’m considering a Lifeguarding job to add to my already hectic weekends. & once I even get into a college…
I don’t know what the turdblossom I’ll do there!
(This means I still have yet to decide what I want to do in life…gulp.) (Oh. & turdblossom is currently my new favorite word. It’s from my new favorite movie, Guardians of the Galaxy…whew I sound like a geek.)
Someone also exploded a bomb in my room.(Or maybe my brother just farted..jk) One that left untamed papers I must sort, bras I must shield from my roommate a.k.a. youngest brother’s eyes, more clothes, & all the shells I brought that are falling out of every pocket of my backpack from the beach last Saturday. (I almost brought the whole darn beach home with me.)
What else?
I’m really trying to resist eating another M&M...
and instead reach for another slop of green beans. Oh & my youngest brother is also racing me to see who can read the 2nd Harry Potter book first!
(He reads as fast as Harry Potter rides on a Nimbus 2000!)
(Wow…the geekiness is revealed in me once more)
I must also read my book for literature class…& that ACT prep book…it wouldn’t hurt to also look into my AP Government textbook…& oh what the heck…all I want to do is take a nap! (Ok & eat another M&M…)
Oh look! Someone’s snap chatting me! & I haven’t added to my collection of already 12,000 pins on Pinterest in a while! (A while means since this morning) There’s also a few Facebook messages I should check…& maybe I should peek at Instagram while I’m at it.
Friends. Oh geez I need some.
I’m still getting to know everyone &….try doing all of this in a foreign country! I’ve been here for almost three weeks & still can’t get over the fact that the cars drive on the left side of the road! (Oh yeah. I need to get my driver's license for Japan too.) Dude. Everyone here speaks Japanese. Imagine that...people who live in Japan actually speak Japenese. Even the Starbucks across the street from my house (at least that’s one good thing going for me) is all like Kanichiwa & ninja-filled!
Oh the list goes on.
Chores. I should hit the gym. I want to blog about a million things. (ha I don't even know if anyone reads this anyways but heyy.) I'm want to dance. & sing. My pencil is still taunting me to do my paper due tomorrow. DON'T even get me started about guys. Hmmm looking down at my legs…I should probably shave them soon. (I don’t even want to look at my toes…)
Are you getting my vibe here?
But I’m not writing this to make you feel bad or to gain pity or to just rant on…I have quite an adventurous & wonderful & very blessed life.
My problem lies with in knowing exactly what to do with it!
& I can’t be the only one with this dillema right?
This is when I must take a deep breathe, put one foot in front of the other and simply, balance. Ya know,
let’s not try to figure out everything at once here! Or in this case, (as I look at the remains on my plate) eat everything at once!
Take one step, one bite at a time. Chew slowly if you need to. (Which I’ve actually heard is quite good for your digestive system.:) Life literally is like eating a plate of chili & rice & green beans. Or maybe you’re having Spaghetti for dinner. Or maybe soup. Or maybe you’re eating take out. Sushi? Maybe you’re even eating ice-cream for dinner….lucky ducky. Whatever is on your plate…we gon get through this boo. Get through it one bite or lick or slurp or sip or whatever at a time. So let’s begin with b i t e o n e shall we???
Before Opening your mouth to shovel something in, take a good look at what you’re about to eat. Metaphor for, Check out what you gotta get done and then
Write it down
I am a very visual person & have found that if I write it down, I remember it better and find much satisfaction in checking something off on a list. (My geek meter is reaching record heights tonight.) ***STICKY NOTES ARE MY BFFS!!!*** I use those suckers for everything and stick them all on the same sheet of paper, taking them off as I complete them. (Now I’m just sounding like a total nerd huh?)
I don’t know about ya’ll but I like to strategize what I eat first…kind of like, I save the best thing on my plate for last kind-of-a-deal…so this means…
Put the numbers of what you need to get done from greatest to least. 1-10 or maybe your list is only 1-5…or like me more like, 1-570000??? Hey, and eliminate anything unessesary! (Like there's a big jalepino pepper in my chili that I can skip...)
Now for the fun part right??? Grab a spoon and start chewin!
#3.) Start with number 1 on your list and give yourself a timeline to finish it. Just get er done. No more procrastinating ;) (& don't worry if you get crumbs everywhere. i think its funner that way)
Hey, remember its ok to take breaks. I usually get up once or twice when I’m eating…I need some drank, some salt, some cheese for my chili, maybe I gotta go pee from all that drank, and in the end….
DESSERT. (Actually I try to resist this. Most times I look at a piece of chocolate and only hear the word, YOLO. Everything after that is too disgraceful to be told. True story.)
Celebrate! Or RELAX. It’s ok to get excited when you get something done! This is what motivates you! What’s your dessert? What gives you happiness after you have been working your bootayy off? What are you doing all this for? For example,
I eat ALL my veggies so I’m allowed to have ice-cream.
& maybe, you actually enjoy piling everything on your plate. Maybe it’s not a chore. I sometimes actually enjoy my homework. (Not very often but aye, it counts for something right?) I actually enjoy eating this chili and brown rice and yesss bruh...even the green beans too.
Seriously, Life's a journey right and ya gotta enjoy the simple thangs.
Soooo, considering the above, these are only some ways I try to handle tackling my plate when everything piles up. Just with one spoonful at a time. And yo I am sure not the most organized or most productive or most dedicated person out there. I'm just trying to balance so I can be me and enjoy life. That's all. :)
Oh & by the way, you may have lots on your plate…but that doesn’t mean you have to eat it all. ;)
My paper due tomorrow though is unfortunately not something I can exclude. Well...happy balancing!
sooo, here are some inspirations I dug up on pinterest tehe... I put the links where you can buy these cute thangs to help you when your plate piles up :) & then instructions to make your own!

MAKE THIS GIVING PLATE! (Or design your own;)

Buy a ceramic white plate (dollar store) write/draw with sharpie pens. Then bake @350 for 30 minutes. Btw, Mr. Clean Magic eraser will take off any unbaked sharpie mistakes!
& This little guy...he makes me smile